Most environments are not designed to support neurodivergent needs. Universal design for spaces is needed for accessibility and inclusion, and until that happens, most neurodivergent people must advocate for needed accommodations to participate in those spaces. Requesting accommodations at a place of employment can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate.
Schedule a 30-minute consultation with Jenna to review your workplace schedule, needs, and challenges and then brainstorm ideas together on how you might be better able to perform your job. Jenna will then compose a professional PDF letter documenting the discussed accommodation requests which you can submit to your employer.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is struggling to fully execute their job functions based on their neurodivergent traits without support in their current environment.
Benefits could include:
Making your work space easier to access and use.
Changing your job duties.
Changing your work schedule.
Getting or changing equipment.
Moving you to another position.
Providing you readers or interpreters.
Allowing time off for medical treatment.